The latest installment of Kermit Weeks’ “Kermie Cam” series focuses on Fantasy of Flight’s 1941 Stinson L-1.
This particular example was delivered to the Army Air Corps in December 1941 and initially served with 112th Observation Squadron at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina before moving on to different locations on the East Coast. It was later used for rescue with the 11th Air Force in Alaska. Following its military service the aircraft was acquired by Paul Mantz and used as a camera platform in a number of movie productions including The Great Waldo Pepper. Weeks acquired the machine from the Movieland Air Collection in 1981 and used it to tow banners. It was damaged during Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and has since been completely restored.
The video will be released in two parts. This newly released first part includes an overview of a problem sorted out with the engine, a walk around, a tour of the cockpit and start up. Click below to check it out, along with a bonus video of its first post-restoration flight in 2013.
(via Kermit Weeks Additional Information: Fantasy of Flight via Internet Archive)