A newly released DVD Inside the Spitfire Factory “follows factory owner, Peter Monk, and his crew of engineers, pilots and historians as they restore rusty remains of the iconic Second World War flying machines.”
Over the course of a year, this six-part series discovers the surprising stories of this iconic flying machine, whilst following the restoration of a particularly special aircraft, the 1943 Mark IX Spitfire. With £2 million at stake there’s no room for error and the pressure is on to deliver on time. As Peter hunts down parts and oversees construction, a large cast of characters – from pilots and engineers to historians and WWII veterans – are on hand to explore the Spitfire’s rich history and uncover its surprising stories. This is the Spitfire Factory, a place dedicated entirely to resurrecting one of the most famous aeroplanes and returning it to the skies.
The DVD reportedly runs 4hrs 30 min.
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