Please Note: This is an archived post. The information presented here may not be current and the associated listing may no longer be active.
North American Harvard Mk IV S/N 20218 (N91AM) has hit the market. The product description states:
New to the market- beautiful polished exterior, short stack, detailed interior, 570 SMOH, gear doors. Same owner for past 24 years. Airframe: 4689 Hrs TTSNEW. Engine(s): P&W 1340 573 Hours SMOH by Aero Engines. Propeller(s): 573 Hours SPOH by Stockton Prop.
The machine is reportedly also equipped with avionics and support packages as well as additional equipment. It is currently located in Livermore, CA and is being offered for US $189,000. Click here to check out the complete listing.
(via Trade-a-Plane Photo: Bill Larkins via Wikimedia Commons)