2013 Aviat Husky For Sale: “Low Time, No Damage History”

A 2013 Aviat Husky A-1C-180 has been spotted for sale. The listing states (in part):

“Beautiful LOW time-219 HRS Tach Time. A1-C Husky Backcountry Special including 29″ ABW mains and a baby bush wheel tailwheel. Standard Hartzell Propeller. Equipped with the deluxe VFR package which includes the Garmin 796 (XM WX). EI MVP-50. EADI (no vacuum pump). UAvionics SkyBeacon ADSB OUT. Bose powered headsets. Husky leather two-tone seats. No damage history.”

The aircraft is located in Wolfforth, Texas and is currently available for bidding. Click here to check out the complete listing on eBay.

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