Please Note: This is an archived post. The information presented here may not be current and the associated listing may no longer be active.
1952 Yakovlev Yak-11 S/N Y5434 (D-FJII) has hit the market. The listing states (in part):
Airframe: 316 Hrs Since Restoration; Engine: Shvetsov Ash 21; 316 Hrs SMOH Propeller: 16 Hrs SPOH; Interior: Restored to stock military configuration. 8/10; Exterior: Painted as “White 5” 8/10; Avionics: Garmin GTR225A, Garmin GTX 335, ACK Model A-30, Kannad ELT 406, PM1200 intercom; Annual / Condition Inspection: Expires 7/2021
The aircraft is currently being offered for €295,000. Click here to check out the complete listing.
Photo: (Mick Baker)rooster [Cropped] via Flickr